National Hispanic Heritage Month Resources

Dec 24, 2017
Ordinary Time


Welcome to River Oaks Church's comprehensive collection of National Hispanic Heritage Month resources. As a community-driven organization deeply rooted in faith and beliefs, we are committed to celebrating and promoting the rich heritage and diverse contributions of the Hispanic community.

Celebrating Hispanic Culture

At River Oaks Church, we believe in fostering a sense of unity and appreciation for the cultural diversity that enriches our society. National Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrated from September 15th to October 15th, is the perfect occasion to honor and recognize the remarkable achievements, traditions, and history of Hispanics.

Events and Activities

Join us for a series of engaging events and activities throughout National Hispanic Heritage Month. Our community gathers to celebrate the vibrant culture through music, dance, art exhibitions, theatrical performances, and culinary experiences. These events provide a platform to showcase the talents and creativity of the Hispanic community.

Educational Materials

Delve into the rich history and contributions of Hispanics by exploring our extensive collection of educational materials. Discover insightful articles, books, documentaries, and online resources that highlight the accomplishments of Hispanic individuals and their impact on various fields including art, science, literature, and more.

Art Exhibitions

Experience the beauty and creativity of Hispanic artists through our thoughtfully curated art exhibitions. We collaborate with local talents to showcase traditional and contemporary artwork that celebrates the diversity and artistic expression of the Hispanic culture.

Supporting the Hispanic Community

As part of our commitment to the Hispanic community, River Oaks Church actively supports various initiatives and organizations that empower and uplift individuals. We believe in promoting equality, providing resources, and creating an inclusive environment where every member of the community feels valued and heard.

Scholarship Programs

Our church proudly offers scholarship programs aimed at supporting young Hispanic students pursuing higher education. We firmly believe in the power of education and strive to remove financial barriers, enabling deserving students to achieve their dreams and make a positive impact on society.

Community Outreach

Through our community outreach programs, we collaborate with local Hispanic organizations to offer assistance, organize charitable events, and address social issues affecting the community. Together, we build bridges, foster understanding, and create opportunities for growth and empowerment.

Advocacy and Awareness

At River Oaks Church, we advocate for equality, justice, and the fair representation of the Hispanic community. We actively engage in raising awareness about important issues, supporting initiatives for policy change, and promoting a society that values diversity and inclusion.


As National Hispanic Heritage Month approaches, we invite you to join River Oaks Church in celebrating the profound impact and invaluable contributions of the Hispanic community. Explore our wide range of resources, engage in our events, and be part of a movement that honors and uplifts Hispanic culture. Together, let us create a more inclusive and unified society where diversity is cherished and celebrated.

Cecile Chambaudrie
Great resources for learning!
Nov 8, 2023
Regina Dunker
Diverse contributions should be celebrated and promoted. Thank you for recognizing the importance of Hispanic heritage and providing these resources.
Nov 4, 2023
Alex Lindell
This is informative and inclusive.
Oct 9, 2023
Kerry Hanks
Thank you for putting together a comprehensive collection of resources to honor National Hispanic Heritage Month. This is a significant step in promoting diversity and cultural awareness.
Jul 16, 2023
Julie Ballard
This is a wonderful initiative to honor the contributions of the Hispanic community. Thank you for providing these valuable resources.
Jun 15, 2023
Eugene Moreau
I truly appreciate River Oaks Church's commitment to celebrating the Hispanic community's heritage. These resources will undoubtedly make a positive impact on cultural education.
Dec 23, 2022
Joanne Carlson
These resources will serve as a fantastic educational tool during National Hispanic Heritage Month. It's great to see such support for the Hispanic community's contributions.
Mar 26, 2022
Cliff Cook
The dedication to celebrating the rich heritage of the Hispanic community is inspiring. Thank you for highlighting these resources.
Dec 25, 2021
Quan Ma
The Hispanic community's rich heritage deserves to be celebrated and recognized. Thank you for compiling these valuable resources.
Aug 23, 2021
Jim Coley
It's great to see organizations embracing diversity and promoting cultural heritage. Thank you for sharing these resources.
Feb 22, 2021
Basil Papantonis
As a member of the Hispanic community, I'm grateful for the recognition and promotion of our heritage. These resources are invaluable.
Jan 6, 2021
Kenneth Rutherford
I appreciate the effort put into creating a comprehensive collection of resources for National Hispanic Heritage Month. It's important to celebrate and promote diversity.
Sep 15, 2019
Taylor Kennedy
I love that River Oaks Church is committed to celebrating the Hispanic community's heritage. These resources will undoubtedly make a positive impact.
Oct 18, 2018
John Geoghegan
The resources provided for National Hispanic Heritage Month are a wonderful way to educate and raise awareness. Thank you for this initiative.
Jun 18, 2018